The Hall of Administration, 300 W. Green St. in Pasadena, CA, the location of Worldwide Church of God offices from 1969 to April 21, 2006.
May-June 2006
New church addresses
The Worldwide Church of God offices moved from Pasadena, CA, to Glendora, CA, shortly before this issue went to press. We'll post some pictures on our website. Here is the new church office building, viewed from the southeast:
Effective immediately, our mailing address will be:
Worldwide Church of God
P.O. Box 5005
Glendora, CA
The street address (needed for UPS or FedEx deliveries) is 2011 E. Financial Way, Glendora, CA . The phone number for the automated switchboard is . The toll-free number continues to be .
Holy places or holy faces
By John Halford
Our church headquarters finally moved from the location that had been home base for nearly 60 years. It is rather sad in some ways, although most of the people I know who work at HQ were ready to move. Those acres of California that used to be Ambassador College will always have a special significance particularly to those of us who went to college there.
Some people felt it was terribly wrong to sell what they considered a holy place. Although the church campus may have a traditional and a nostalgic significance, it was not a holy place. Neither is the new church office building, or any building we may occupy temporarily.
We can dedicate such buildings to God, and ask him to use them for holy purposes. But that is not the same as making them holy. Only God can do that, and he made it quite plain what he considers holy.
What is God sign that a place is holy? In the Old Testament, God consecrated (or made holy) the Tabernacle in the wilderness and later the Temple in Jerusalem. In both cases, when they were dedicated, fire came down from heaven. It was a sign that God was moving in (Leviticus 14:19-20; 1 Kings 8:10-11).
But after Jesus death and resurrection, everything changed. It was time for a new holy place. So on the day of Pentecost, the fire bypassed the temple, and landed instead in the upper room of an ordinary house. But it did not stop there. The house was not to be the new holy place. The fire divided, and individual tongues of flame rested on the heads of the first church members gathered there.
The meaning was clear to those who understood. No longer was a building to be the holy place people were. Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? wrote Paul to the church in Corinth (1 Cor. 3:16-17).
Buildings come and go, and eventually crumble. But God dwells in and with the people he has called to eternal life. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit (Eph 2:22).
May/June 2006 Vol. 1, No. 1
Circulation 13,000
Together: Worldwide Church of God News is published six times a year, copyright 2006 Worldwide Church of God. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are sent automatically to contributing members of the Worldwide Church of God who live in the United States.
Executive Editor
Mike Feazell
Mike Morrison
Senior Editor
Paul Kroll
Published by the
Worldwide Church of God
Joseph Tkach
Superintendent of U.S. Ministers
Dan Rogers
Superintendent of Missions
Randal Dick
We gratefully accept contributions to help meet our publication costs. If you would like to support this ministry, send your tax-deductible donation to Worldwide Church of God, P.O. Box 5005, Glendora, CA .
Notice: We cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited articles and photographs.
Postmaster: Please send address changes and Form 3579 to Together, P.O. Box 5005, Glendora, CA .
Unless noted otherwise, scriptures are quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
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