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Is Hillary's Benghazi Testimony Still Going to Hold Up Kerry's Confirmation?

The Senate is expected to take up Kerry's nomination in early January, but multiple Republican senators have already said they won't agree to a vote on Kerry's nomination until Clinton testifies about the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi. Illness and a concussion has prevented Clinton from appearing thus far.
Where is Secretary Clinton? And why is she allowing proxies to defend the security failures at her State Department? When will she talk to Congress, the press, or the President about the findings of the Benghazi review board's report? Is the Secretary at home "working?"
What's Hillary Clinton's status? Her situation is serious enough to sideline her for two weeks, but we still don't know what's going on. How serious is it? Does it prevent her carrying out the secretary of state duties?

J.K. Trotter
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