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- Francis Lim The fact that the leaders from both parties joined together for the trip to South Africa underscored the importance of Mandela's life and legacy, said Martha Joynt Kumar, a political scientist at Towson University in Maryland who studies the presidency.
"It puts a ... stamp on the importance that the United States thought of Mandela, his importance as a world leader," Kumar said. Steve Holland ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, formerPresident George W. Bush and their wives shared Air Force One on Monday on a flight to South Africa, where they will be joined by two other former presidents at a memorial service for the late Nelson Mandela. The rare g... - Francis Lim women sprinkle flowers on a portrait of the late Nelson Mandela put on street as a tribute to the former South African president in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, Sunday, Dec 8, 2013. Mandela died aged 95 Thurs night after a long illness. Writings on the portraits say: THE WORLD MOUNRNS
- Francis Lim A Palestinian child holds a lit candle as he prays in front of a poster of late South African leader Nelson Mandela, during a special service in his honor at the Holy Family Church, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sun Dec 8, 2013
Palestinians mourned Mandela as a loyal champion of their cause, lighting candles for him in special church services on Sunday and holding up his picture in confrontations with Israeli troops in the West Bank. - Francis Lim A choir sings hymns during a special service in the honor of late South African leader Nelson Mandela, during a special service in his honor at the Holy Family Church, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sun Dec 8, 2013.
Palestinians mourned Mandela as a loyal champion of their cause, lighting candles for him in special church services on Sunday and holding up his picture in confrontations with Israeli troops in the West Bank. - Francis Lim by Gallo Images/Media24 Archives via GettyfacebooktweetpostNelson MandelaTed Cruz Commenters Hate MandelaBy Jamelle BouieDecember 6th 20131:31 pmfollowMore Stories by Jamelle BouieRising party stars like Ted Cruz might be trying to pay tribute to the South African leader, but their conservativ...
- Francis Lim Rising party stars like Ted Cruz might be trying to pay tribute to the South African leader, but their conservative elders hated him as a dangerous ideologue—and their base still does.
- Francis Lim Ted Cruz a hero of the party conservative base's Ted Cruz A Hero Of The Party Conservative Base slideshow: In a Capitol Hill hallway leading to the Senate floor on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had just finished telling reporters that no Republican would delay a vote to fund the government. But then Texas GOP Sen. Ted…
- Francis Lim Yes, today’s conservatives might extend praise to Mandela, but many of the people they represent aren’t so willing to show the same courtesy.
- Francis Lim Ted Cruz Commenters Hate Mandela by Gallo Images/Media24 Archives via GettyfacebooktweetpostNelson MandelaTed Cruz Commenters Hate MandelaBy Jamelle BouieDecember 6th 20131:31 pmfollowMore Stories by Jamelle BouieRising party stars like Ted Cruz might be trying to pay tribute to the South African leader, but their conservativ...
- Di Heuser As a white South African I am appalled by these disgusting comments about our leader. These vile comments about Nelson Mandela just show how ignorant and racist you all are about that great man and about our country. He brought us together in a time of great difficulty. And nobody, not even lazy cowards like you behind your computers, will ever change the fact that we are a better country because of that man. We are a nation that is challenged in every area but this I can tell you, we will prosper, survive and continue to build the dream that Madiba instilled in us.
- Randall E. Winn I salute South Africans for telling us how it really is, and apologize for the more ignorant among my fellow Americans who feel they know everything. Your Mandela inspires the world.
- David A Neves I, too must apologize for the horrible lack of civility and decency of my fellow countrymen. As you can see, facts, evidence and objective history mean nothing to these regressive reprobates. Now you can see what our President has been contending with, this vile, treasonous "TEAPARTY" extremist movement.
- David Williams If Mandela was such a communist, why didn't he nationalize SOMETHING, ANYTHING, during his time as president?
- Jeff Petersen This would be the time to just stay silent on the subject. Mandela admitted to tossing grenades into school buses occupied by children and his wife was a proficient practitioner of the tire and gasoline combo around the necks of her victims...
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